Mundu osoko langile eta sindikatuok errepresioaren gorakada paiaratzen ari gara eta hilaren 17an Turkiako DISK sindikatuko Idazkari Nagusiaren atxiloketa estrategia horretan kokatzen da. LABek atxiloketa hau sindikatuen eskubideen aurkako eraso argia dela salatzearekin batera, Turkiako Gobernuaren demokrazia eza agerian geratzen dela adierazi nahi du. LABetik gure babesa eta elkartasuna adierazi nahi diegu DISKeko kideei eta bereziki Arzu Çerkezoğlu kideari eta Turkiako langile guztiei.
LAB denounces the arrest of Arzu Çerkezoğlu, General Secretary of DISK
LAB wants to denunce the arrest of Arzu Çerkezoğlu, General Secretary of DISK. Trade Unions around the World are facing the repressive escalating and the last simple is the arrest of our colleague Arzu Çerkezoğlu. It is a clear attack against trade unions rights, included freedom of speech.
The General Secretary of DISK was arrested last 17th of June in the airport of Istanbul and charged of having insulted the President Receb Tayyip Erdogan during a speech.
This arrest is other example that shows Turkish government no democratic quality.
For this reason, LAB wants to show our support and solidarity with our colleagues of DISK, in special with their General Secretary and the working people of Turkey.
Bilbo, 20th June 2016